Saturday, March 28, 2009


-Photo of Outside of Main Sanctuary, Tenri, Nara, Japan-

In Japan, there are many new religions. One of the 'old' new religions is Tenrikyo (天理教). It was founded by Nakayama Miki in 1838. The religion believes she was possessed by Tenri-ou-no-mikoto, or the creator of the universe, while being a medium for a healer who was healing her son.

Nakayama Miki was believed to have powers to heal people, and was famous for having the ability to grant safe childbirth. She believed safe childbirth could be granted by only having faith that God would make you safe, rather than following old-wives tales. She is said to have lived a model life, and is considered to be a living God. They refer to her as ‘oya-sama.’

It is believed that Nakayama Miki did not die, but rather ‘withdrew from her body.’ Members of Tenrikyo still take care of her place of birth today, and believe her spirit resides there. People have experienced sightings of Nakayama Miki in various situations, and take it as proof that her spirit is still around today.

The city of Tenri, in Nara Prefecture, Japan, it a sacred ground of the religion. They believed that life began at a certain spot inside the main sanctuary there, the Jiba. It is marked by a pillar, the Kanrodai, in the middle of the room. There are also several alters inside the main sanctuary, and people often go there to pray. Members of Tenrikyo pray with set songs and hand motions, te-odori.

-Another Photo of the Main Sanctuary-


  1. Tenrikyo is a great subject for a post on Japanese religion. It is perhaps one of the few new religions that aren't based upon Shinto or Buddhism. The basic belief of Tenrikyo is the "joyous life" which can be read about in their website you link to.

    An outsider might refer to her as a living goddess, but a follower would refer to Her as Oyasama, the Foundress.

    Tenri is located in Nara and well worth the visit, especially if one believes it to be the birthplace of humans.

  2. Visit for more information on this religion to save the world.
